We connect and communicate territories, through the manufacture and supply of concrete and fiberglass poles that are ideal for projects that promote social development and facilitate access to connectivity in the regions through the installation of electrical grids, public lighting, surveillance cameras, transformers, antennas and telecommunications systems.
We create and beautify spaces through the manufacture of fiberglass poles with premium finishes that highlight cities' aesthetics and architecture, focusing on promoting urban and sustainable development. We design solutions for projects with high visual impact, supported by a team of technology and innovation.
We are part of the solution in projects involving renewable energy generated by photovoltaic solar panels, our fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) poles adapt to any type of solar panel on the market. At Pretecor, we are your ally to carry out the energy transition process.
We are adapting to changes in the sector and we innovate through technologies that allow us to light, decorate, communicate and create programmable messages. We are the solution for cities characterized by the intensive use of ICTs in the creation and improvement of their systems. Our products allow the monitoring of environmental and urban variables such as air quality, ambient noise and solar radiation.
We design and execute projects that encourage the transformation of public spaces through the supply of street furniture made of concrete with high performance finishes, ideal for promoting interaction in public spaces.
We are involved in projects with oil and gas pipelines through the coating of prestressed concrete pipes, and we ensure the correct stability of the pipelines by avoiding flotation and damage due to impacts from currents or objects.
We connect and communicate territories, through the manufacture and supply of concrete and fiberglass poles that are ideal for projects that promote social development and facilitate access to connectivity in the regions through the installation of electrical grids, public lighting, surveillance cameras, transformers, antennas and telecommunications systems.
We create and beautify spaces through the manufacture of fiberglass poles with premium finishes that highlight cities' aesthetics and architecture, focusing on promoting urban and sustainable development. We design solutions for projects with high visual impact, supported by a team of technology and innovation.
We are part of the solution in projects involving renewable energy generated by photovoltaic solar panels, our fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) poles adapt to any type of solar panel on the market. At Pretecor, we are your ally to carry out the energy transition process.
We are adapting to changes in the sector and we innovate through technologies that allow us to light, decorate, communicate and create programmable messages. We are the solution for cities characterized by the intensive use of ICTs in the creation and improvement of their systems. Our products allow the monitoring of environmental and urban variables such as air quality, ambient noise and solar radiation.
We are involved in projects with oil and gas pipelines through the coating of prestressed concrete pipes, and we ensure the correct stability of the pipelines by avoiding flotation and damage due to impacts from currents or objects.
We design and execute projects that encourage the transformation of public spaces through the supply of street furniture made of concrete with high performance finishes, ideal for promoting interaction in public spaces.